As the community grows in Upper Mission new subdivisions continue to move up onto the slope as well as northward towards Crawford estates and the Bellevue Creek Corridor. These subdivisions include The Ponds, Trestle Ridge, The Highlands and Southridge and a number of other new developments.
Welcome to the Upper Mission one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Kelowna. Upper Mission is home to the Village of Kettle Valley which back in the early 2000s won the best community in Canada for several years in a row. This community development saw a return to traditional style homes with a “Wisteria lane” feel. Many of the homes in Kettle Valley have a commanding 180-degree view of Okanagan Lake. As one of our clients mentioned it is almost too much lakeview!
Several of these neighborhoods are putting in a higher density townhome section to accommodate the city’s request for more affordable housing. This can be seen in The Ponds community were nicely done smaller homes have a nice row housing feel. While just down the street are executive homes with commanding views of Kelowna and Okanagan Lake.